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70th anniversary of the Sukhoi Aircraft Building Corporation

Petr Osipovich Sukhoi, Chief Designer OKB Sukhoi29 July 2009. Aircraft Building Corporation Sukhoi celebrates today its 70th anniversary. During the years of its existence it has made a significant contribution to the development of the Soviet / Russian aviation industry, strengthening its defence capability. Today the Sukhoi Design Bureau is one of the recognized world leaders in the aircraft design producing not only military but also civil and special purpose jets.

The Sukhoi Design Bureau was created on 29 July 1939 by the Order of the Commissariat of Defence of the USSR. Over the next 70 years under the leadership of the Chief Designer Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi and his successors a number of military aircraft were created: fighter SU-7; fighter-interceptor SU-9, SU-11, SU-15; fighter-bomber SU-17 with a variable-geometry wing; front-line bomber SU-24, SU-25 attack plane; fighters Su-27, SU -30, SU-33; bomber SU-34; multifunctional fighter SU-35.

Sukhoi Aircraft have been adopted by the Air Force of more than 30 countries and are delivered to Latin America, South-East Asia, Middle East. About 100 types of aircraft have been designed, of which over 60 were produced serially. The total number of serially-produced aircraft is more than 10 thousand, with more than 2 thousand delivered for export.

The priority development programmes of Sukhoi today are: creation of the fifth generation fighter and further development of the multifunctional fighter SU-35; development and serial manufacture of unmanned combat aerial robotic systems of different dimensions; modernization of the Russian Air Force aircraft; civil aircraft projects Sukhoi Superjet -100 and the MS-21.

Source: Sukhoi Aircraft Corporaton
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